Saturday, May 12, 2007

7 little-known facts about myself

Laura also tagged me to come up with 7 little-known facts about myself. Here you go, L!

1. I played the clarinet for over 6 years, from grade 6 until I graduated. I haven't picked it up since then, and I don't think I could play a song if my life depended on it.

2. I knew in high shcool that I wanted to be a graphic designer. I applied to Capilano College with no back up plan and got accepted. Over 2,000 (or more) people applied and I think only 25 got accepted. I was pretty proud of myself. Kerry was accepted, too :D In terms of a career, I couldn't imagine doing anything else in my life.

3. As a kid we moved around a LOT. I lost count at 40. So having bought our first house, I am HAPPY! No. More. Moving. Period.

4. I used to obsessively collect Martha Stewart Living magazines. I would see the new one in the store, fall in love with the cover, the pictures, the typsetting (geeky designer thing..) and had to buy it. I owned at least a fews years worth. I even bought all the Baby & Kids ones, even though I didn't have kids. A few years ago, I decided enough was enough and purged through them. I now have a nice tidy folder of my favourite things :)

5. I met my best friend Kerry on our first (or second!?) day of college. 1998, Kerry? Holy smokes. We found out that we had/have the exact same doll as a child. Hers: Flarnsey (sorry if that is mis-spelled, K!). Mine: Baby Bum. She wore orange pj's, with a matching bonnet style hat, trimmed with eyelet lace, and a flap on her bum to.. you guessed it.. show her bum. I LOVED her. I recently learned that it was the Mattell Baby Beans Doll — Bare Bottom Bippy Beans. What a name. I *heart* Baby Bum.

6. My all time favourite flowers are tulips. White ones more specifically. I made sure to have a spring wedding at the beginning of March so that I could have white tulips.

7. I have never smoked in my life. Anything. And never will.

Kerry, Debs & Tamara.. I am tagging you to share 7 little-known facts about yourselves!


Blogger LauraC said...

So much fun to learn all these things!

I read those Martha Stewart baby magazines and laugh now at some of her suggestions on what to do with a newborn (my friend obsessively collected them and gave them to me as a baby shower present).

6:23 AM  
Blogger Mrs. Merriman said...

It is fun isn't it!? Thanks for tagging me :) Those MS Baby magazines are interesting.. one big huge Gap advertisement, too. But they look pretty!!

9:05 AM  
Blogger Kerry said...

Oooo the pressure now! I still remember the first day we met as well...doesn't feel like it's been almost 10 years (must remember anniversary blow out party next year...LOL!). WAIT! It was September 1997, not 98! Party must happen THIS year! :)

7 things...7 things...this could take a while!

2:08 PM  
Blogger Mrs. Merriman said...

Yes Kerry!! It's our "Ten Year" this September! Ohhhh ya.

2:14 PM  
Blogger Kerry said...

Okay, I did it. Picked my brain and finally came up with seven. Kind of wish I was more of a 'lady of mystery' instead of an open book. LOL! Must keep trap shut more often!!!

2:59 PM  
Blogger Mrs. Merriman said...

LOL.. Kerry you are funny. If you were a 'lady of mystery', I don't think we would be able to talk on the phone as much as we do now!

6:38 PM  

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