Friday, September 15, 2006

Week 2!

A better week in some cases.. Ben has been enjoying himself at Daycare — napping like a good little boy and having fun! His true colours are also shining through — those CRAZY monkey arms that have to knock everything off of shelves, counters, etc. if you walk by with him in your arms, trying to get into EVERYTHING, and just being a pain in the butt sometimes! Rebecca (daycare lady) thinks it is funny, thank heavens, and quite entertaining. The other little boy who is 6 months older than him is the complete opposite.. quiet, mild mannered. Not Ben! I guess that means he is warming up to it there and it feels like home!?!

Rebecca's youngest boy has a mild case of chicken pox right now, so there is a good chance that Ben will get it, too. He doesn't get his vaccine for that until he is 1. Soon! She says that it is easier for them to get it over with when they are younger. We'll see!

On another note, My Girl Friday Design Co. is officially open for business! And I can cash cheques, too!! Yes, I went and got my business license and opened my very first business account. Pretty exciting :D

We are off to a wedding tomorrow morning at Minter Gardens (Chilliwack) for Mike's cousin. Never been there so that should be neat.. got Ben a new toy to play with so hopefully that will keep him occupied enough through the ceremony! Mike's parents are also coming over today for the weekend (to come to the wedding as well). It's always fun when they are here! Mom just had a big milestone in her life — Sept 11th marked her last day of work! Yes, she is retired! Now the REAL fun begins :D We are all very happy for you, Mom!!

My little man is awake now and "talking" in his crib. I like listening to him in the mornings.. making all these funny noises (not crying) and trying to talk. The difference in sounds he makes is crazy.. especially since he started daycare. Oh, and he is also saying Ma Ma Ma Ma Ma a lot. Well, sometimes it comes out as Muh Muh Muh but at least he is trying!!!

Pictures soon!


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