Thursday, November 01, 2007


Wasn't too exciting this year. I think part of the problem is the last 2 houses we have lived in, we never got any trick or treaters. I mean NONE! Well, maybe the 2 neighbor kids and my nephew and that was it!

I had heard that a lot come to our neck of the woods (being by an elementary school and a high school you would think so) but our street doesn't have lights. So, that just brings out the punks and hoodlums once it is really dark.

Ben actually wore his costume at daycare! She took them to the local mall for trick or treating.. brave lady! I laughed so hard when I saw him.. the last time he wore it (about a month ago as a test drive that didn't go so well!) it was not this snug on him! So funny.. had tears.

Raced home, fed Ben. Made our dinner, ate and then asked Ben if he wanted to go out again in his costume. BOOM! At the door wanting his shoes on. So changed him, costumed him up and Mike took him out while I was on candy duty and cleaned the kitchen. Woot! What fun. I thought it would be best for him to take him out as he can handle him a bit better when out and about... that kid is getting HEAVY!

We didn't get a pumpkin this year, which sucked big time. Everytime when we were going to go to the pumpkin patch, it rained. Or Mike had to work. Then we would go to the store and they would be out, or it was too late and had to get home. Mom gave Ben a blow up ghost thing for the yard, and that kicked the bucket Halloween night! Of course! There was smoke coming from it.. not good!! Got pictures of it before though..

All in all we got about 70 kids though. I think. Haven't counted how many goodie bags are left. I had to turn the lights off at 8 as Ben would NOT sleep when kids came to the door and he was TIRED and cranky. They had pretty much finished in our area though.

Our house, pumpkin-less *sniff*

Ben got glow in the dark teeth in a goody bag from a birthday party. And LOVES them!
No, they were not part of the lead-paint-recall. I checked!

Here is froggy boy at the mall.

Eating a sucker, getting daddy's hair all sticky.

Bye! Going to get more candy!


Blogger Kerry said...

Ben reminds me of that Super Mario game where Mario gets a froggie suit to jump around in! LOL! TOo cute!

11:30 AM  
Blogger Mrs. Merriman said...

AAHAHAHAHA! He does doesn't he?!?

So soft and warm :D

11:55 AM  

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