Thursday, February 15, 2007

I almost forgot...

My wonderful husband MADE me a Valentines card.

I *heart* Mike. Is he the best or what!?!?


Ben and I went to the store yesterday.. he saw the Curious George bubble bath, pointed at it and said "Ooh! Geoh-ah!". Mommy translation = GEORGE!! He said GEORGE! Well, sort of. Still pretty cool that he is associating things with stuff from home.

He also can point out a cat, dog and cow in his books! Dogs on the street he points at and says "Da!" I am assuming that is dog. Sometimes comes out clearer, but he is trying. He saw a card with a dog on it and said "Della!" Yes Ben, that is a dog like Stella!

My mischievious monkey was getting into stuff in the kitchen (the dogs water dishes) and I did, in my mom tone, "Ah ah ah!". He copied me exactly! I had to turn around so he didn't see me smirking and think it was funny. I did though!

Such fun!

Mmmm.. ice cream cone.

With Ben being sick right now, his appetite is lacking. He will however eat ice cream! This is Ben having his very first, very own ice cream cone. He even learned to lick it!

Ben the Builder!

Can he fix it? YES HE CAN!

Ben brought his yellow rain boots over to me the other day, so we put them on. He then completed the outfit with his yellow hard hat and went on his way.

He won't stop until he has conquered the whole house

He's a monkey that is for sure! Climbing EVERYTHING! And fast, too. Holy smokes. Here he is on a chair and his tool bench, which I have to add is NOT sturdy.

Sunday, February 04, 2007

Ben's new skill...

... that almost made us have a heart attack. Of course we had to take a picture of it.

Running with the Dogs!

A video clip taken with Mike's cell phone when they were out together with the dogs... lots of fun!

Chatty Ben

This is our typical evening with Ben.. he just runs around and talks and talks and talks.. such a busy little bee!

Saturday Morning at Queen's Park

Ben has been coming with us to the park when we take the dogs out (as opposed to just one of us taking them out) and he has a blast! He picks up every rock and every stick and runs and runs and runs and runs some more! Thankfully he doesn't put everything in his mouth.

We went yesterday morning to the park with the dogs and we went on the slide, ran in the field, played peek-a-boo and hide-and-seek around trees.. so much fun!

Friday, February 02, 2007

Bad bad blogger!

Well, it has been far too long since I posted last. So much has gone on!

Ben went to his Granny and Grampa's on the Island again the weekend of the 27th. I gotta say it was really nice having a break. We sure needed it.. He had a great time there and was lots of fun, kept them busy the whole time! He got to go have lunch at his GG's house (Ben is her 7th Great Grandchild!), see his friend Dominic and go to a kids art show! He is even going to be in the local paper!

Our snow is gone (yay!) and we are having great fun taking Ben out for walks with the dogs at the river. Here are some pictures of him bundled up in his snow suit, laughing and checking out the birds in the trees. He is a GREAT walker (or should I say runner!) now.

We have other big news! We are house hunting for our first home! And tomorrow we are going to go look at one in Maple Ridge! I am pretty excited. I know all of us are looking forward to a fresh start and something that is all OURS! The real estate market is tough right now, but I know something will come up that is just perfect for us.

Ben is changing so much everyday. He is talking a bit more in his own little jibber-jabber language, but seems to be understanding and comprehending more. We can ask him where the fish are and he points to the aquarium! When the phone rings now he goes to where the phone is. He can recognize, point out and say dog and cat. Yesterday on our walk at the river he was just mesmerized by airplanes in the sky! We spotted about 4 or 5 and he was amazed!

Some bad news is that we had to get rid our orange cat Basil. He didn't stop peeing in the dog crate after all of our tries (taking him to the vet, getting tests done and putting him on anti-anxiety drugs) so we gave him back to them (where we adopted him and Zero 6 years ago) and they are going to try to figure him out and get him a new home. I really hope that he does get a new home soon. The house here was too stressful for him with my dad's dog Ella but I know we did a good thing. We miss you Basil!!

I will end this post with an angelic pic of Ben sleeping.. such a cute little button.