Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Ben looks more like me!

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Mmmm... marshmallow pumpkin.

A very much enjoyed treat from Granny :D

Ben's birthday weekend

Here are some shots of Ben over the weekend..

Mommy and Daddy got him a tricycle!

Get off of my bike!

The birthday cake I made for the party... mmmm banana monkey cake.

I got Ben a Mr. Potato Head, and the glasses were a HIT!

Ben's first experience with Playdoh!

Monday, October 08, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving :)

Thursday, October 04, 2007

Happy 2nd Birthday, Benjamin!

You are TWO! Such a free spirit, charming little monster! The last year you have changed so very much it is hard to believe.

You have such a wonderful personality, full of spunk! A tough cookie, you have no fear playing with the big kids (or dogs!). You are talking so much more, copying what we say and making us laugh so much in the meantime!

I just know you will be a WONDERFUL big brother next year. We look forward to seeing you change even more!

Happy birthday our darling beautiful boy! xoxo
