Sunday, June 22, 2008

Summer fun

Is it Sunday already?!? We had an awesome weekend.. Saturday, Mike did a trip to the dump and cut the lawns in the morning. I had a day planned with Kerry to go see the Sex & the City movie (FAB!) and some shopping afterwards. We had a blast of course, catching up, gabbing, shopping and whatnot. Pedi's would have made the day even more complete, but we were picking up Chicken Chalet for dinner, and I NEEDED to get home to feed Daisy. A near disaster LOL!

This morning Daisy woke up extra early, not like her at all, but she got unswaddled a bit and was not happy. Into bed with us, followed by Ben. Mike made yummy German pancakes (not sure if they are German, but that is what the recipe is called.. it's like a BIG Yorkshire pudding) for breakfast and we had coffee together while Ben played. He went for a bike ride with his friends and had a great time. They all came back laughing and reliving the ride.. such goofs :)

I ran some errands this afternoon, and scored a Slip 'N Slide for Ben at a deal I couldn't pass up. They are the best!! Trying to teach him what to do was a bit of a trick, but he had fun with Mike launching him & pushing him down it. I originally had him in his UV swim shirt and shorts, but they are too snug on him. Shirt off. Then the shorts. Nothing says summer like nude slip and sliding!!

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Holy Bear Batman!

Right after I put Daisy to bed tonight (9ish), I went into the kitchen to get a drink. I looked out the window to our driveway and look what I saw!!

Our back door was open, so I was worried the dogs would run outside.. I silently yelled for Mike to come upstairs LOL!

I grabbed the camera as fast as I could, snatched a bunch of photos, he got the phone to call our neighbors (they were bbq'ing earlier so we didn't want the kids to go running out or anything) as the bear sauntered through their driveway and by their front door. Not even 10 seconds after the bear walked through their hedges, the little girl opened their door. We ran to the door to tell them to get back inside! Luckily their mom was there to shoo them in. It sauntered across the road, checked out stuff as it went, and then "napped" in a back yard. The dude across the street was spying on it updating us. The other neighbor was on his roof looking over the fence at it. Apparently it is still there.. freaky. Mike called the wildlife conservation people, so we'll see what happens.

Talk about getting your heart rate up! Hopefully we don't have any incidences like last year, involving a mess of garbage. Our cans are now locked up in the shop!

I am thankful Mike was inside, as he was going to go out and work on his bike.. the shop door is always open when he does so. Phew!

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Daisy is ready for the sun...

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

R.I.P Sucky...

I can successfully say that I did it!!! Ben no longer has a sucky! Well, he HAS it, but he doesn't use it, and only asks for it at bed time and not for his nap. He asks for it to be clipped to his shirt, but he takes it off soon after. We no longer get the "Gross. Broken. Different one. Daddy fix it!" requests while sobbing! It's only a matter of time before we throw it in the trash, but I will wait a while so he can accept that his sucky is broken.

We have been making a big deal out of him being a big boy not using a sucky now, and he agrees LOL! And he is totally fine with Daisy occasionally using one (not stealing it or anything!)

Bring on the toilet training!

Here is my big boy sleeping SUCKY FREE!!
LOL.. and I don't know why he piled his stuffies like that! Such a nut..

Happy girl!

Daddy was giving her a bath for the first time..
she was so cute, staring up at him with her big eyes!

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Brother & Sister

One of the rare occasions that Ben wants to hold Daisy (and she is happy!), I seem to only have my cell phone handy to capture the moment.. they don't last long!

Ben and his Super Powers

Thought I should do an update on Benjamin, seeing as he is a force to be reckoned with!

He has been a big brother for 10 weeks now, and he is wonderful. He likes helping out, gives Daisy toys when she is in her crib listening to her mobile, shares his Teddy and asks to hold/hug her more.

Potty training is coming along, still working on his telling us when he has to go, rather than us harping on him, but he is usually willing to go. And he doesn't care if he gets treats for peeing (a tactic we used in the beginning). Going poop gets a big reward though, a new Hot Wheels car. A good day when it's one less poopy diaper to change!!

Our latest challenge is trying to wean him of his beloved "sucky". It's a huge security for him, but I know he is old enough to give it up now and it's for the best. Even though he only has it at nap/bed time (usually), it's time to give it up. We wanted to do it sooner, but with a baby on the way we thought it would be best to wait. I wasn't ready nor prepared to do it cold turkey on him, so I did what I know other parents have done, and cut a wee hole in the top yesterday. I had no idea it would have affected him so much right away.. talk about breaking MY heart.

And of course he got a hold of it (he has just one) before bath, so needless to say bath time was a chore, and Mike was working overtime so I was washing him, against his will, and keeping Daisy happy in her bouncy chair at the same time. Oy vey! He put his sucky in his mouth, spat it out, said it was gross and he wanted a different one. He went to bed okay, got up more than normal, and kept begging for a different one. LOL.. kept trying to tell him over and over that he is a big boy, a big brother, sucky's are for babies like Daisy, and that it's broken so it has to go into the trash. Well, he thinks Daddy can fix it. Poor guy. I have had some nice cuddle time though, saying that he has his own super powers and doesn't need it.. he is really into Superman, Batman, etc and the Super Friends books. So, I made up his own powers — jumping (gumping!), dancing, making us laugh, being a super big brother.. just to name a few. Let's hope for less drama and sobbing tomorrow. My poor guy. No turning back now.

Height wise, he is growing like a weed. A whole inch an a half from March 4th to May 24th, bringing him to 38 1/4"! He is around 37 pounds (haven't weighed him recently) and is wearing size 3 and 4T clothes, size 9-10 shoes. He ain't no weakling!

He is counting more, we do the alphabet together, colours are hit and miss, but it's fun learning through his eyes and ears!

Lake Days

This past weekend, Daisy went on her first Ferry ride, first visit at Granny and Grampa's and first parade at Lake Day's!

It was a lot of fun, and great to get away for a few days. We hadn't been to Mom and Dad's since like September (I think?!?). Ben was already there so we were just traveling with Daisy and the dogs, made awesome time and caught the 11am ferry, almost driving right on. Makes life with a 10 week old baby that much easier!

Daisy was entered into the Baby of the Lake contest, but of course the ONE time she decides to get into a deep sleep during the day, it was then! I couldn't wake her, and those big blues didn't make an appearance so she didn't win.. LOL.. which totally doesn't matter. I hope they do it better next year though, as they only had 2 age groups — 0 to 12 months, and 12 to 24 months. That is a HUGE age difference! So the baby that won in Daisy's group was much older, standing, smiling and laughing. She was cute though :)

We had a nice get together with other family members, too. Uncle Travis came for dinner on Friday, and to meet Daisy. On Saturday Dad made a yummy roast on the bbq, Mom made some delicious salads.. mmm! Mike's Nana & Grampa came, as well as his Granny and two sets of Aunts and Uncles — and throw in a Chihuahua, a Lhasa Apso (named Daisy!) and a Multi-poo, it was crazy there. Ben doesn't do well with crowds, kind of loses it after a while, so we were all happy when bedtime came!

All in all it was a great trip, both there and back. If I could guarantee a repeat of the kids behaving as well as they did, dogs being great and scoring with the Ferry's, then that would be awesome!

Daisy and her Great Granny

Happy girl!!

Mom, Mike and Ben

Daisy enjoying her first parade :)

It was getting loud (fire truck coming!) and Ben wasn't so sure about it.
Hold onto Daddy!

Wednesday, June 04, 2008

The dreaded immunizations

Yesterday afternoon Daisy got her first round of immunizations — and she rocked!

First I weighed her and measured her.. my goodness she has grown! She is now 12lbs 7 oz and 23 3/4" long! She is in the 80th percentile for her weight, and 90th for her noggin size! Atta girl :D

Then I held her in my arms, walking around waiting for the nurse, and she fell fast asleep. The needles in her chunky legs just made her cry for about 20 seconds, then she went back to sleep! The nurse was so impressed, as was I.

Friday we are going on our first trip to the Island with her, off to Mom and Dad's. Ben is there right now for his wee vacation, so we will go visit for a few days and bring him home. It is Lake Days in the town, and Daisy will be entered into the Beautiful Baby Contest! Of course we are hoping for a win!!

Monday, June 02, 2008

One of Daisy's photo sessions...