Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Snow baby

Yesterday I bundled Ben up quickly to go out in the snow and meet up with my friend Mina and her son Max.. Had to get him in his snowsuit at least once before he grows out of it! It was so cold though, I think we were home after just 15 minutes!

The weekend..

Mike and I had a great weekend. It was extremely busy from the moment Ben left with Mom and Dad on Thursday, but it was nice. Felt strange to take the dogs out for a walk just the four of us. Had coffee just the two of us.

Friday my aunt came over and helped me organize my office a bit more. Then we went shopping, got my shoes for the party, had yummy Greek food for lunch, then spoiled ourselves for manicure's and pedicure's! I had won the pedicure through Kidswap.ca from the weightloss challenge July to September (thanks Shelly!) but it was a real nice treat. That evening we went for dinner with Kerry and Trevor. Were going to see a movie, but dinner ran too late.

Saturday morning Mike went for a bike ride with the dogs and I got my hair done. Cat did an amazing job as usual! I decided to change things up a wee bit and get bangs again. Here is a picture of us at the hotel before the party. It was SO much fun. Haven't had that much fun in a long time.. Cathy and Susan were a hoot. We didn't win any prizes this year, but Mike got a 2 year safety award. We got to go for breakfast in the morning with Dylan and the Empey's before they went to get their kids.

Because of the snow, the ferries were delayed, and traffic was terrible. Took double the normal amount of time to get to Tsawwassen. But we got our Ben! He was pretty tired, but happy to see us. It sure felt nice to have him home, though. He has a bit of a cold so he is taking a couple days off from daycare. Thanks again to Mom and Dad for the weekend!

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

My big boy...

This Thursday marks a momentous occasion... Ben is going for the weekend to his Granny and Grampa's house in Lake Cowichan! They are going to be coming to get him on Thursday, taking him on the ferry, and bringing him back Sunday afternoon.

I am quite excited for him — I know he (and Mom!) will have a ton of fun. He loves his grandparents to bits, and vice versa of course. I hope he doesn't have a tough time without me there, that he behaves nicely and doesn't have too many tantrums. But I am 100% confident that they know what they are doing! I totally trust them..

I will miss Ben SO much. At the same time I am looking forward to some "me/us" time. Haven't had that in a long time. On Friday, my aunt is coming over to help me organize my office, then we are going shopping for a bit, then we are going to get manicure's and pedicure's. That evening we are having dinner with friends and going to see a movie. Saturday I get my hair cut/coloured/styled because that night is Mike's office Christmas party. We get to stay at the hotel! My sister is coming over with her son to watch the dogs. Then we will have breakfast with friends and go get our boy!!

So it is not like I am going to be sitting around doing nothing — so the opposite! I am glad I will be busy. Will keep me from thinking about him every second.

Thanks to Mom and Dad to offer to take Ben.. we sure are lucky to have you guys :)

Thursday, November 16, 2006

A sneak peek..

Ben is trying SO hard to walk. Here are a couple wee clips of him walking like a monkey with his arms in the air..

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Happy 49th Birthday Mum..

Today is my mum's birthday.. she would be 49. Still feels strange not to be calling her today, trying to be the first one (she always strived to be the first caller on any occasion!), even after a year and a half. This is a picture of her on her honeymoon at Niagra Falls. She was 25 and had two kids already. Wow!

Miss you more than ever, mum.


Wednesday, November 01, 2006


Well Ben had his second Halloween! It was a lot of fun.. we didn't go trick-or-treating, but we did have a little party on Saturday. Because of him getting the chicken pox right before his birthday, a lot of people (kids) didn't get to attend. This was our way of making up for it!

We had about 12 kids come by, all dressed up! There were 2 pirates, Spiderman, Batman, a ballerina, a pumpkin, 2 princesses, a skunk, a tiger, a lion and Ben was SuperBaby! The adults didn't get costumed, but we participated a bit!

Didn't get a chance to take pictures of everyone, but here are a few..

Ben and his Granny the day before :)

The wicked witch Granny. Doesn't she look evil!?

Mike and I..

SuperBaby sleeping.. fashionably late for his party.

Mike. No comment.

A good look at Ben's homemade costume.. he is never allowed to get rid of it!