Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Happy 7 months Daisy-Roo!

Daisy-Roo, you are 7 months old today!

You are such an incredible girl already! So happy, calm and easy going. You love to smile, especially at your big brother. You are crawling around the house, not in the "typical" crawl, but in a method that works for you — pretty fast, too! You are saying "mama" and "dada" noises, and you seem to know the difference between us. When Daddy isn't here and you want something, you say "mamamamamama" and vice versa. What a clever girl!

Eating is something you love to do! You have liked all the foods I have made for you so far, which makes me so happy. I think we have weaned from nursing, but that is okay. I am glad we have made it this far along — and it makes me nervous anyhoo with all those teeth (six of them now!).

You are such a blessing, a complete joy to have in my life. Making this montage of pictures from when you were born brought back so many memories, how you came into the world in such a hurry! What a wonderful morning that was.

You are a love, and we can't get enough of you :) xoxo

Using your duck-tub for the first time!

(See my teeth!?)

My Grandma :)

Most of you already know that my Grandma passed away Friday morning, but today would have been her birthday (I *think* she was turning 78) so I thought I would post a happy picture of her.

I took this when I was 11, at my Aunty Sarah's wedding. Not the greatest — gotta love the reflection off of the satin! But they are smiling!

Pumpkin Patch

Sunday afternoon we finally headed out to the pumpkin patch. We didn't get to go last year, so it was Ben's first! He liked it, but only lasted about 30mins before he was acting up. Typical. Anything is usually only good for that amount of time before he goes koo-koo. *sigh* But, the time we were there was fun!

Picking "eggs".


Pumpkin surfing.. no, he didn't fall. He did this intentionally
Daisy was in the carrier, and did lots of this...

Once Ben started acting up, Mike did lots of this...

The kid was zipping around so fast, I couldn't get a picture of his face! Nice toque though, eh?!?

Itty bitty pumpkins

Tractor time!

My turkey :)

Kung-fu Ben

We had our "assessment" witn Sensei Ron for Karate on Friday — he loved Ben! He loves his energy, and thinks that he would be GREAT, but his attention span still wanders (you think!?) so we are going to wait 6 months.

It was so cute to see him do the little punches, bowing, etc. My future little black belt :)

Thursday, October 23, 2008

He did it!

Today was Ben's last day of swimming, and he successfully completed all the "to-do's" of the 10 week class! He loved it so much, his instructor was great, I just wish we could keep going, but the next class booked up too soon. Hopefully we (I) can find something else to get him active. Tomorrow afternoon I am taking him for an assessment for karate! Can't you just picture him in the little uniform? Hilarious. So we'll see how he does.. I like that they do it this way, rather than me sign him up, fork over all this cash and then he doesn't like it and can't focus.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

And two more...

Tonight I noticed that Daisy got another tooth (her other top front). Then I looked about 15 mins later — there was another one poking through beside the other front tooth!

Besides drooling a bit more the last couple days, I had no idea she was teething! This girl is amazing! Ben used to always have flaming red cheeks, not Daisy...

Her grin looks different already.. I will have to get a picture of her tomorrow.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Happy Birthday Ambrose & Maisie!

Yesterday was Ambrose & Maisie's third birthday! Their mum Debbie threw a fun party on the weekend, and the kids had a blast (except when the singing took place — we won't talk about that though LOL!). They are the cutest twins ever!!

I made the cakes for them, which were a hit — and tasty! A lady bug for Maisie, and a robot for Ambrose. Yum!

This was pretty much the first time I got to dress Daisy up for a party! It was fun :D The lighting was so pretty behind her in the front room that I had to snap this photo..

The cakes!

Ambrose & his cake!

Maisie checking out her lady bug!

Finger lickin' good!

Gotta love BLACK icing! Love his new shirt though!!

My darling Daisy :) Little miss sunshine...

Monday, October 20, 2008


This kid has an imagination. He came up with this get-up all on his own... Buzz goggles, ray gun and vampire teeth. He LOVES it. And the best part?! He can't talk with the teeth in so he is QUIET!! And yes, that is drool on his shirt LOL!

Designer Apron!

My step-mom lived in China for a while earlier this year, and she picked me up this rad apron.

A Kamloops Thanksgiving...

This Thanksgiving, we drove to Kamloops to see family, my Grandma being the most important. She is quite ill with cancer and we aren't sure if we will get to see her again, so it was imperative I see her (and she see us & the kids!). It was a good trip though. My sister and nephew stayed at our place and looked after the animals for us.

We stayed at my Auntie Sarah's, which was a lot of fun — my cousin's Katie (6) and Sophie (3) are such great kids. Ben LOVED playing with them, and they sure loved up Daisy!

We also did a quick detour to my Auntie Laurie's house in Hefley Creek.. I haven't seen her since Ben was about 6 months, and she was so wanting to meet Daisy! It was a short visit, but a great one :D Hi Auntie!

The kids travelled SO great on the trip, doing this mostly LOL!

Top of the Coquihalla.. toll booths no more! On the way back they were nearly gone, busily working all weekend to remove them. No turning back now!

We stopped in Merritt for some lunch, and picked Dairy Queen simply for the "Play Palace"! It was a hit with Ben, burning off some energy. Well worth it!

Daisy at my Auntie Sarah's.. happy happy happy!

Kamloops' hillsides are known for Mountain Sheep (at least they are to me, having grown up there). There is a specific section, near the Indian Reserve, on the way to my Grandparent's house that has a new 'wildlife fence' and signs posting for a couple km's that they are present. Apparently they have re-located a huge portion of them, but one you look hard enough you see a TON! This was on the way, and coming home we saw probably a hundred.. but of course my camera was in the back :(

Rub a dub dub, three turkey's in a tub! Sophie, Ben & Katie had a BLAST!

Look at that face! SO happy!

Daisy had her first sink-bath!

My wonderful Grandma, getting a pic with Ben. Daisy snuck in there, too :D

Grandpa, Grandma, Daisy and myself. I was so glad to go see them. They moved into their townhouse a couple years ago and I hadn't seen it yet. She was so proud to show it off to me!

I love you guys! xo

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Random Facts About ME!

I was tagged by Cathy!

Here are the rules: Link to the person who tagged you. Post the rules on your blog. Write six random things about yourself. Tag six people at the end of your post. Let each person know he or she has been tagged. Let the tagger know when your entry is up.

**Random Facts About Me**

1. I have moved a lot in my life, mostly as a kid because of my Dad's work. I lost count at 40...
2. I used to get chronic nosebleeds — almost daily, despite trying to correct it multiple times. And not once did I mess a pillowcase! Luckily I have grown out of this and it's not much of an issue.
3. I got my driver's license (L) at the age of 28!
4. I want to get a tattoo but I am too chicken :P Plus I have no idea what it would be of..
5. I make my own baby food for Daisy (and did so for Ben back in the day..)
6. If I weren't a graphic designer, I have no idea what I would be! The high-school-career thingy said I would be a police officer — ya, right.

I am tagging: Debbie, Leanna, Cynthia, Jillian, Cat, & Hillary! I am also tagging Tamara as a lucky number seven!

Thursday, October 09, 2008


This morning was swimming, and our treat sometimes is to go to Starbucks (drive-thru) to get a hot cocoa.

We came home with our cocoa's and shared a date bar.

Ben took a big sip and he looked at me and said "You say how is it Ben".

Me: LOL.. okay "How is it Ben?!"
Ben: He smiled "Good!"
Ben: "No, you don't say 'delicious'"
Me: Okay. (trying to stay serious)
Ben: "Mmm! Delicious!"

*Funny thing is he calls it "dewishous". This kid CRACKS me up.

Monday, October 06, 2008

Numero three

This evening Mike's mom, aka Granny, noticed that Daisy has cut tooth number three! Top one this time. She's been a gem, too! I didn't even know she was close to getting another!

She never ceases to amaze me, this girlie. So awesome.

Sunday, October 05, 2008

Robot Party Ex-tra-va-ganza

Yesterday was Ben's 3rd birthday. I can't believe he is THREE!!!

I made a robot themed party for him.. it was a lot of fun! He had such a great time with his friends & family. My sister couldn't make it because my nephew was sick (poor guy) .. hope to see them on Friday.

I came down with a terrible horrific migraine on Friday, so the original plans on decorating the cake fell through. It still looked great (tasted even better!) but I had higher hopes for it. Oh well!

Here is the run-down of the very loooooooong day!

Granny & Grampa gave him an awesome desk/art station — fully stocked! Here is the artist busy at work.. He is even wearing the yellow finger-painting bib apron that belonged to Mike and his brother as kids!! Cute!


Gift opening — gotta love it when the kids get all glazed over,
mega-jealous and drooling over the toys LOL!

Daisy was content rolling around on the floor playing with the wrapping!

I think he liked the cape I made for him!

Uncle Trav got him a big-a** dump truck!

The cake (and below, Ben seeing it!!)

*Shirt thanks to Dana at Sweetbean Co!! Thanks Dana! He LOVED it!!

And because I didn't have ENOUGH things to do, I made
this for the kids.. snapped pics as they were leaving :D I think it was a hit!!

Above are brothers Cole & Mitchell.. Cole was hilarious. He kept saying
"I am a rob-ot" in a funny voice!

Ben & Uncle Travis

Mike & his brother Travis

Joshua & his Dad Cameron

Ben & his buddy Aiden!
Can you tell that Ben was just given his birthday cake?!

Mike & I.. late in the day. Dark outside, crappy hall light LOL!

My girlie Daisy & I!

Ben & Mommy.. he didn't want to let go of his lolli!

Pappa & Ben!

We gave him his big gift this morning, a Huffy three wheeled scooter.
Granny is suiting him up in his pads!
All ready to go! In Buzz PJ's of course LOL!

Good food (haw dawgs!), good friends, good fun, good day. But I am glad it is over!