Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Happy two months Daisy!

My sweet little Daisy is two months old today!

She is growing in leaps and bounds. Smiling all the time, giving giggles and being so laid back. She loves cuddles on shoulders, kicking and talking to her Rainforest friends on her mobile — what she would give to be able to grab those animals!

I am so very lucky to have a baby that sleeps through the night! Her bright happy eyes are so welcoming in the morning, no matter how early.. always waking up perky and cheerful! She kicks with excitement when she sees me, smiling so big that I can't believe it! Mike is loving that he can make her smile now, too. Warms your heart!

Bath time is now even more fun.. kicking up a storm and loving a deep warm tub. She stares right into your eyes, smirking away. When she is more stable, we will be able to put her in the bath ring and have a bath with her big brother — I know he is excited about that. He asks if she can bathe with him :D

Next Tuesday she gets her first set of shots.. will she cry a lot, a little or none at all?!?

We just had a week long visit with my Grandma and it was a lot of fun. She just fell in love with Daisy of course, and was constantly entertained by Ben. I know she will miss the kids. Next time she sees them they will have changed SO much!

(I caught her smiling in her sleep... hilarious!)

Tiny little pants...

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Superman + alligator boots = FUN!

7 weeks!

Daisy is a lot more entertaining now.. she smiles, coos and giggles quite often, those BIG eyes looking around, taking the world in! We are still working on her taking a bottle (hasn't been too successful lately, especially by mum!) but we will keep trying.

Her little cold passed fairly quickly, and she handled it like a champ, still sleeping through the night! She is a fabulous sleeper at night-time, as was her big brother :) A lovely trait to pass on! We are still working on getting consistent naps during the day and learning her routine. And getting her to nap in her crib.. that is hit or miss most days.

She is getting so big, already wearing her 3-6 month clothes. Got to measure her length, see how much she has grown. Her neck is very strong, and she doesn't seem to mind tummy time (yet!).

Ben is doing great with her, giving her kisses before bed and talks about her. Last night he wanted her in his bath, so we sat her on his lap for a bit and he thought it was quite neat — for a minute at least! Daisy looked at me with fear in her eyes LOL!

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Big brother, little sister

I found these adorable t-shirt/onesie sets at a fun site. So cute.. and tempting.

Monday, May 12, 2008

Mother's Day..

I remember calling it "Monster Day" to my mum, giving her a handful of wet lilacs on her big pregnant belly!

This Mother's Day was nice.. Mike & Ben got me lovely new Corelle dishes, he finished the pot lights and installed an awesome new Moen kitchen faucet with a filter! The kitchen is slowly getting finished..

The new dishes.. colours will match the kitchen when it's done!
Am in LOVE with our new faucet. Our old was C-R-A-P!

I had some errands to do yesterday, so while Ben napped and Daisy fed, I went on my way. We have been thinking about starting Daisy on a formula bottle once a day (or so) and thought now was the time. Mike made one up while I was out, it took me way longer than expected, and she drank 90ml's for him! And no spit-up! Yay for Daisy :) She didn't get the hang of it right away, gagged a bit in the beginning, but then realized that if she sucked on it she got food LOL! Atta girl! I tried to give her a bit later on, but she either wasn't hungry or I was just confusing her so it was a no go. Will try another time.

Ben and Mike had a great weekend together, too. He just loves being outside with Daddy, whatever he is doing.. He played on his slide and whatnot while Mike mowed and pulled weeds. Part of the afternoon was nice enough that I could nurse her outside (until the cool wind came). Mike also bbq'd a yummy beer can chicken last night and Kerry & Trevor came over to share the feast. It was gooooooood. Complete with brown eyed susan cookies made by my wonderful hubbie and homemade chocolate chip muffins (Thanks K!), it was de-lish!

Thursday, May 08, 2008



Yesterday I took Daisy to the Public Health Nurse to get her weighed, etc. She is 11 pounds! In the 75th percentile for her weight, she is one healthy little girl.

Unfortunately I think she is fighting a bit of a cold right now. She has a very sensitive gag reflex (which we already found out the hard way!) and she seems to have some phlegm/mucus that is making her sick. So messy. More laundry..

Here are some updated pics of the chickie though. Ben is at his Granny and Grampa's, so it's much quieter here without him :(

Mike got a new job! He started this week, and seems to be really liking it. He has a company van (which of course I love because now I have a vehicle during the day! Bonus!) and a lot more responsibility. It is going to be great experience for him, and great for all of us. Yay Mike!